
Purpose and preparation of Libertalia

The goal is simply to be the richest pirate. For three rounds, we will plunder other ships for the purpose of Libertalia. To do this, we will have games lasting 60 minutes, two to six players.

Before starting the game, each player will choose a pirate, with their respective crew. The youngest player shuffle their character cards and steal nine cards. After saying aloud the rank and name of these cards, the other players will look at their decks those letters and, with them, make up a mallet.

Then each of us will randomly select one of the tabs crew. Also we will take the den, which will serve to make the cards drawn to the game, scoring marker and thirty letters of the corresponding color. In addition, each receive ten doubloons. The rest will be left in the bank. Now, each player places his den and his letters before him.

Booty chips will be introduced in the bag to mix. So six tabs catch by each player who has in the game and placed in the hollow intended. You can now start the game, for which we must take account of the character cards and letters of special actions.

Libertalia, board
Libertalia, board

Characters cards and special cards

Character cards represent the different members of the crew, with different skills, names and ranks
. In turn, some will be more important than others. Furthermore, special cards, whose actions are required to perform, are associated with a particular time that may be used. These cards are divided into Day, Sunset, Night and New Tomorrow.

Actions under Day and Sunset, can be resolved only once per game, which is when the character comes into play. The first will be resolved in order of increasing range, while Twilight is resolved in descending order.

Evening special actions will be resolved during the night of each shift, as its name suggests, provided the character with the special action is in the lair of the player. The End of Campaign will be resolved only once per game, when the end of the campaign in which the character has come into play only if it is still present in the lair of the player at the end of the campaign.

Libertalia, cards
Libertalia, cards

How to play Libertalia

As we explained, each game will consist of three rounds. For each of them, we must solve six days of looting. These rounds will sack long special stages except the end of season stocks, but adding a resting phase at the end of the three previous rounds, where we’ve gotten wealth will be distributed.

Our level of wealth is obtained by adding the loot they have more doubloons our guard. The chests are obtained doubloons worth five, three jewels and goods of one. Finally, sets of three maps we have twelve doubloons worth, but it will only add them in threes. That is, if we get one or two loose, not counted.

Meanwhile, not all objects added riches because there are cursed relics that will make us lose three doubloons. In addition, sabers and Spanish officials have no value. The sum of all the doubloons during the three rounds of play will dictate the winner of the game.

Libertalia, components
Libertalia, components
Game Type Strategy,Card Game
Recommended Age +10 years
Language English
Players 2 – 6 Players
Game Time 45 minutes
Difficulty Medium

Settlers of Catan

Any fan of games think I must have played at least once a settler, maybe not the best game in the world, but when you start to get him a taste of this world and what most played is at Risk, Monopoly and all those games that can be found in any supermarket, find this little gem in the meantime mud is a joy.
It is based on the construction and trade between game players.

Settlers of Catan, box
Settlers of Catan, box

The island of Catan:

Well, that, that is? For the idea of the game is very simple, each player represents a civilization, explorers, adventurers and settlers, as you like to call more arriving to the island of Catan, these settlers, they have to expand to this, the island It has the necessary materials for the construction of roads, villages and cities. The first settler to get expanded more than their opponents will be the winner.

Settlers of Catan, board
Settlers of Catan, board

Without going into the explanation of rules for these materials that enable the expansion of our settlers, the island has its own land from which we draw: rocks, wheat, wood, clay and sheep. In order to collect these issues, the game consists of a system which I consider quite original but that also depends performed with dice a little chance.

The land above have a numbered tiles above them, at the beginning of the turn, the player throws the dice, the value obtained by the dice and the towns or cities that are adjacent to a field with the value obtained by the dice is checked produces raw materials. In this way we will accumulate the necessary materials to build our roads, towns and cities take us to victory.

Settlers of Catan, cards
Settlers of Catan, cards

Aside from the construction, there are also a part of trade between players will give us the point of interactivity between players will give us laughter and healthy piques.


In my opinion, the game components are very care, all of good quality and beautiful.

Settlers of Catan, dices
Settlers of Catan, dices

The board is thick cardboard, the pictures without being too ornate, fulfill their function clearly differentiate the various fields. Roads, towns and cities are hard plastic, are interesting details and are quite care. The letters are small, good quality too. The box comes with a plastic grafts inside to keep everything well organized, so we will not have all the components lying inside the box or taking them to store in zip bags.

Settlers of Catan, tabs
Settlers of Catan, tabs


  • A very good start eurogames for beginners.
  • Trade between players is one of the most fun parts of the game, you will remember always the bastard who did not want canviarte your wool for its wheat so you could complete a city and win the game.
  • For all audiences, they can play people of all ages.
  • The map can always be different and we can put the land and their numbering at will or randomly.


  • The luck of the dice is quite decisive factor, although it is true that you can leave any value, as you start the game badly and stay locked up, forget about winning that game.
  • The first games are great, but after discovering other deeper games may not see much table.
  • With the maximum number of players, in this case 4, it is likely to occur as mentioned in the first point, a player get stuck and just be a mere observer of the rest of the game.
Game Type Civilization, Negotiation
Recommended Age +10 years
Language English
Players 3 – 4 Players
Game Time 60 minutes
Difficulty Medium



Today we review one of those games with tradition, falling stand in any group. We refer, as is obvious from the title of the entry Munchkin.

Munchkin box

Munchkin is an original title of Steve Jackson, the famous American designer, who was born around the year 2000. The author of other games, like Illuminati or Zombie says, has built its reputation especially with the title in hand, that since come out to the market, it has been commissioned to squeeze the maximum pulling Arabian versions (something similar to what happened with Uwe Rosenberg Bohnanza but exaggerated).

Sure everyone ever wanted to dive into a spectacular game of role, which take the role of a character that makes epic feats. But when most mortals we see that one of these items is usually recoil, it does not seem as spectacular as the idea that would have formed in our mind. Well, Munchkin comes to fill that gap of players who want to participate in a game of role but seems too cumbersome because of all the paraphernalia involved. A card game and a simple and dynamic mechanics that take a group of brave to venture into the dungeon to kill all kinds of monsters. But in addition also we have to annoy our colleagues to stand up with the victory. What more could you ask for?

Munchkin box

As a curious note, the name of the game is the term given to those role players to create characters with unique and powerful features making use of the nooks and gaps in regulations, an idea that takes the game as the basis for development.

In Spain, the game is published by Edge Enterntaiment, as amended, at a suggested retail price of 19.95 €. Allows consignments of 3-8 players with an average duration of about 90 minutes per game. The issue that is in my little toy library is the former which is in the market, and which I will outline. Which is available now contains some more components, but essentially the game is pretty much the same.

Important: If you already know the game and / or you just ask me about it, you can go directly to section Opinion. The Content and Mechanical paragraphs are intended especially to those unfamiliar with the game and prefer to get a general idea of ​​how it works.


In a box of standard dimensions in which card games are concerned (19.5 x 10.5 x 3.5 cm.)

  • 100 letters Dungeon
  • 68 treasure cards
  • 1 six-sided die (Bakelite)
  • 1 rule
Munchkin content
Munchkin content


Munchkin is a card game where you take the role of a character that is inserted into a dungeon to try to become the greatest adventurer of all who form the group. To do this we must defeat the monsters that we get ahead, get treasures and gain experience.

Basic concepts

In Munchkin there are certain concepts that should be very clear to enjoy the game.

On the one hand we have the character to embody. This character has a set of attributes that will vary throughout the game. The first and most important is the level of experience that go with markers indicating some sort (not included in the game). Our character will start with a level 1 (will never be less than this) and can reach level 10. Our character will also be of a certain race (initially we will be an ordinary human-mill), but throughout the game can be Dwarf , Medium, Elf or even a mixture of any of the above. Also, your character may belong to a class. Initially we not belong to any, but throughout the game we can be Warrior, Cleric, Thief or Magician. Both races and classes give special abilities to the character.

Munchkin races cards
Munchkin races cards

We have two types of cards in the game. On the one hand we have the letters dungeon (with a picture of a wooden door on the back). In it we can find monsters, curses, events, races and guilds. Monsters indicate a certain level of strength, certain conditions which arise in the battle, and what happens if we defeat the monster. They also indicate how many hidden treasures. Curses and events indicate the effect applied to be played. On the other hand we treasure letters (with a picture of a treasure on the back). They find objects (which may be single-use or permanent) indicating the effect applied should be played, and a value in coins.

And a little more.

Preparation of the Game

As in any game of cards, preparation of the game is very simple:

  1. Two decks (the letters dungeon and the Treasure cards) are shuffled and placed on the table.
  2. Each player is dealt four cards in each deck.
  3. 10 markers per player for levels (not included in the game, so we’ll have something we can use for this purpose) are prepared.
  4. Each player one marker indicating that begins with a level 1 character is placed.

And we are ready to start.

Development of the Game

The game is played by each player playing rounds following the direction of clockwise. The player in each round will:

  1. Open a door to the dungeon. Draw a card from the dungeon and shows the other players. If it’s a monster card, the player must fight the (discussed below as the fighting are resolved). If it is a curse, it falls on the player. If a letter otherwise, it can be played immediately or put in hand.
  2. For trouble. If the previous letter was not a monster, you can play one of our hand and face him.
  3. Loot the room. If we want to do the above (that is, that first stole a letter and this was not a monster and do not want / can play a monster on our hands), steal another card from the dungeon, this time in secret, and place them directly in our hand.
  4. Charity. At the end of the round you can only have five cards in hand. If we have more, we have to give away the surplus the player with the lowest level. If there is a tie, they should be distributed as evenly as possible (without taking into account the effect of the letters). If we who have lower level, they are discarded.
Munchkin cards
Munchkin cards

Let us resolve the fighting. To fight a monster combat forces of both contenders are measured. The strength of the monster is the one indicated on the chart (the level of the monster). Our fighting force will be our current level plus all the changes that produce items that your character carries equipped. If the sum total of our fighting force is higher than the monster, this is defeated. If it is equal to or less we will have to flee.

If the monster is defeated, you automatically go up a level (even two if the monster is very powerful), and take the treasures kept (stealing treasure many cards as indicated by the monster card).

During the course of combat you can also play cards that affect the strength of our monster or fight, as well as letters that automatically defeat the same. Note that if the monster is not killed, not level or even climb could not lead or treasures. Nor can we modify our equipment in the development of combat. When the monster card appears we face, we will do with the current equipment.

If our fighting force is not enough to defeat the monster, we can ask for help from one of our partners. If a player decides to lend assistance, the fighting force will join ours. If you defeat the monster between the two players, only increase of level the player faced the initially monster, but certainly for the second player lend us help prompted receive some compensation (a part of the treasures achieved after the victory). Monster capabilities apply to both players (if the monster somehow affects any race and it is our partner, this will be affected while we do not).

Munchkin monsters cards
Munchkin monsters cards

Since it was found to defeat the monster until we are declared winners, you must allow an interval of time set in the curious figure of 2.6 seconds to allow our enemies colleagues involved in it. The other players may participate in combat in several ways: by launching a letter-only use (either on the player or the monster), playing a card to improve / worsen the monster, playing a monster wandering (will add another monster fighting also will have to defeat), stabbing treachery if the player is a thief or throwing a curse.

As we said, if we do not defeat the monster, we must escape. To do so will throw the dice. If we take 5 or 6, we escape. With a value of 1 to 4 we will be hit by the monster (objects, races and classes can modify these values). If we run, the monster is discarded. If we reached, we apply the effect indicated on the card, the Bad Stuff. If two players are involved in combat and have to flee, they flee each. If we are fleeing from multiple monsters, will have to make a roll for each one (indicating that monster belongs to each shot). Escape or we are struck by the monster, this is finally discarded.

If our character perish lose everything except our race and class as well as 1 level. The rest of levels that we had are removed and will post our letters (which are at stake and our hands) on the table, starting with the highest level player, each player takes a card (and only one) of the we have lost. It may not have letters for all. Our character revives then no cards (could help in fighting). When we return to play, steal 4 cards (2 treasure dungeon and 2) and can play any card of race, class or object before stealing the first letter dungeon.

End Game

The end of the game takes place in the time when either player reaches level 10 experience with his character, being the winner.

Personal opinion

I have mixed feelings with this game. Le I have a special affection because it was one of the first to arrive at my small collection (then very small) as a gift from my colleagues in Barcelona.

Munchkin treasurs cards
Munchkin treasurs cards

The mechanics is dynamic enough to discurran heading steadily and laughter (especially by stabbing and betrayals that follow incessantly), while it is true that the first time you read the rules there is some confusion. In fact, I had to print a flowchart me there by the network in which the steps to be followed in each shift is very clear. Until we learn the mechanics, it is almost essential, then, for me, the regulation is worded somewhat chaotic, leaving important details that are slated to be explained at a certain time for subsequent paragraphs, so that we are not a good idea mechanics until we have played many times.

However, in my opinion it is a game that is aimed at a very specific type of player: an active, imaginative, with great sense of humor and a big dose of bad baba player. If all participants are more or less of these features, the game will surely be a good experience. If instead the players move away from this model of participant, the game will be bland and boring. As you said a companion, seems focused on roleros players to have something to entertain themselves while waiting are all design. A hobby than competitive game leaves much to be desired.

And this game depends heavily on the interaction between players. If all go to slaughter, trying to annoy as much as possible the rest, the game will become a series of personal vendettas chain. If, however, the players are engaged in going about their business, the game will run without any grace. The truth is that the final rounds, in which players have characters with high levels are strained and the level of evil increases unsuspected, trying everything possible to annoy the player who is about to win.

The work of John Kovalic is magnificent. To be a card game and with relatively simple designs, these, together with the hilarious descriptions of the cards have a great charisma that will make us enjoy simply flipping through the various letters that appear throughout the game.

Munchkin playing
Munchkin playing

regardless of the topic of the players, the black point is certainly important theme bookmarks. So much cost include a bag of chips parchís type? I’m not saying markers and quality of wood or other materials. Nope. We are looking for life. Chickpeas, lentils or first thing you pilles. I ended up buying a couple of bags of colored markers, which could be very fashionable to decorate vases later. Furthermore the box is very fair. Being a game of cards, they should be sheathed if we want the game to survive the passage of time and the games. For once sheathed (standard case), insert the small ditch next to close the box properly. Even without the insert goes the complicated thing. It seems incredible that publishers do not take into account the needs of its customers. It is true that when you start in this business does not usually pay much attention to the issue of conservation, but as you increase your playroom begins by trying to keep this setting as the first day of each game. At least in this case the cards are a decent weight, so with standard cases (as I said I have put myself) would suffice.

In short, Munchkin develops an idea that obviously has been in operation long (hence the number of expansions and spin-off arising), and that allows us to “simulate” roleplaying games without all the hassle normally associated. If your group games competitive players abound, and who enchants fun trolling, this game should be in your playroom. But it is normal that the items on forever until exhaustion for that focus effect against going further dependence winning chance when managing hand. For all this I give him a … FAIL.

Game Type Card Game, Fantasy, Fighting, Humor
Recommended Age +10 years
Language English
Players 2 – 4 Players
Game Time 150 minutes
Difficulty High